
Monday, December 12, 2011

Mini Christmas Trees

How super cute are these?
AND a great use of your Christmas scraps.


1)Using a compass draw the largest circle on a piece of paper (for the large tree I just did the largest an A4 page would allow)

2) Then make your compass 1cm smaller and continue to down size your circle in this manner to the smallest circle you like to make- remember it halves again in size when you sew it (be sure to use the same centre point inside the previous)

3) Starting with the largest template, cut this out and out of your fabric

4) Trim your template to the next circle and cut out of a contrast fabric

5) Continue this until all the circles are cut out of fabric

6) Then it is time to make the yo-yos

7) Join together, almost like you are threading beads by sliding the needle and thread through the centre of each yo-yo, one at a time. And finish off the top with a normal button or star button.

And you’re DONE!

It's that SIMPLE!

I used a wooden cotton spool (which had been cut in half through the middle) and hot glued to the bottom as the tree trunk!

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